Shadi Crouching

The Shadi Nations are literally cloaked in mystery. A phosphorous mist envelops most of the lowland areas and the foothills of the Northern Mountains, which rise out of the mists like megalithic spires into the clouds.

Traveling the Shadi lands would be treacherous enough with only the threat of encountering a Shadi, however the terrain can be just as unforgiving. The mist is actually a radioactive gas that can be extremely toxic, and negates most scanning technology. Entering the mists without a vapor mask could prove to be deadly.

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The origin of the deadly gas is unknown, but is suspected to be a poisonous bi-product let off from the surfaces of the many large lakes in the area. Some magic has been detected in the mists, but has not been isolated as its sole cause.

It is believed that there are Shadi cities, but none have actually been seen, let alone visited by an outsider. Some theories place the cities deep inside the mountains allowing the Shadi to move around the land through subterranean passages.

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